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Kauai - The Garden Island. Probably the most interesting of the islands. It has an enormous volcanic crater (Mount Wai’ale’ale) in the center of the island that is known as the wettest location on earth. To the west of it is a desert only 1/2 mile away. Being the furthest west in the island chain the clouds butt up against this high peak and just dumps rain constantly. We took a helicopter tour of the island and were able to get into the crater during a break in the rain. There were waterfalls in a 360 degree arch tumbling down the inner walls of the volcano. Amazing. Hiking along the north coast was breathtaking with 1,000 foot drops from the path to the ocean below. We stayed in a beautiful cottage overlooking the sea with a private hot tub, BBQ and were surrounded by gardens of tropical foliage. One interesting sidelight is that the island is overrun by wild chickens - lore has it that they escaped from their cages during a hurricane and have become feral - they are everywhere.